Franklin Stuff for sale

Stuff for sale in Franklin, Milwaukee WI on FreelyWheely

Freecycle Seinfeld


This item is in Milwaukee US

I have 29 of 33 dvd's. Seasons 1-9.

Category: DVDs & Movies

Freecycle Dining room table and chairs -

Dining room table and chairs -

This item is in New Berlin WI

It is a solid set. 8 chairs, 2 leaves - dark walnut type finish. A couple of the chairs have ...

Category: Everything Else



Freecycle Vintage bicycles

Vintage bicycles

This item is in Mukwonago, Village of

(2)1950's bicycles J. Higgins, balloon tire. (2) ten speed bicycles , One Murray, one Galaxy ll. All in good condition, ...

Category: Antiques


$300 for both vintage bikes, $50 for both 10 speeds.